I often hear people inferring that they don’t “believe” in Astrology because they find it preposterous that planets are making things happen in our lives. I have even heard this type of deductions from known writers; many times, and sadly, people I admire. Astrology, and planets, do not “make” things happen; we are the ones who make things happen, each one of us, through the power of our will. Astrology is also not a religion or a belief; it is a language (Pam Gregory, a British astrologer, asks: “you would not say that you don’t believe in French or Italian, would you?”).
Planets, and anything that exists, release their particular type of energy. All the energies released in the universe “talk” between themselves, as it should be and as it makes sense, because nothing exists without interaction, since life, of any type, is movement. This interaction between all the energies that exist is the fabric of reality. Over or inside this fabric of reality — which is like a stage: a platform and its ambience — innumerous narratives can take place or be created, consciously or unconsciously. That’s where we and Astrology enter. Astrology attempts to point a few narrative possibilities; and we... we are the divine creators that, walking over/inside the fabric of reality, can actuate whatever, without limits, taking advantage of the available energies. Like alchemists, we are. The more we know what these energies are, how they work, and the more lucid we are, the more we can create consciously. The more we can make use of them. Like gods.
Astrology is a very ancient language, and therefore wise, but it is “open source”, so it continues to be developed indefinitely and without dogmas, and therefore does not get obsolete; it grows along with humanity. It is a language that reads and analyzes the movement of the cosmos, as it follows the Hermetic law that “as above, so below; as within, so without”. Thus, if everything is a “mirror”, by looking at the sky we can have a good idea, deep down, of what is happening to us, around us and in the world. And then, yes, with more information, we can direct our will with more lucidity. Another astrologer I admire, Luludy, says that because Astrology has the power to analyze deeply through a vast collection of symbols, it can advise — and those who are advised are in the know. And not out of it.
Deep Astrology, therefore, is a symbolic language. And do you know what communicates in the same way? Our deep mind: yes, the unconscious; and there lies all the gold within us: our truths. Poetry, Dreams, Art, all follow the same language. The philosopher Viviane Mosé says that we are not exactly rational beings, we are symbolic beings: we give meanings to things. In other words, we symbolize day and night, though we may think we are being “objective and rational”. Well, if the Unconscious, Poetry, Art itself, Dreams and all Psychoanalysis use the same symbolic language, why wouldn’t the Cosmos itself to so too?
In fact, news from the James Webb telescope has gotten scientists thinking about the possibility of the cosmos functioning like a big brain, or perhaps our brain being a mirror of the universe.*
Astrology is one of the languages that reads the cosmos in its powerful symbolism and phenomenology. It is a symbolic and quantum analysis tool (since it accepts point of view and perspective as energetic facts).
My daily bread-and-butter is working with symbols and their narratives: in language itself, the word, as in visual communication, in programming (yes, I speak the language of 010101), in emotions, in the body, in the sky, in oracles and tarot, in the language of the soul, poetry, in dreams. For me, it is all language and narrative. I read each and every situation, in the macro or micro. If there is a language present (a pattern), eventually I will decipher it.
I hope this text helps you understand my work a little better.
Maceió, Brasil, 17 November 2024.
Related media:
* Beyond mind-blowing — is our brain a mirror of the universe?
* Is the universe a living being? New from the James Webb telescope.
* The universe is built a lot like a giant brain — so is it conscious?